Are you living the life you want? or did it just kind of happen?

How Can I Be Of Service?

Do you want to have better relationships? Do you feel stuck in a situation and don’t know what to do about it? Do you feel like there’s something missing from your life? Book an exploration session with me and we can start moving forward.

What I do

Life/Relationship Coaching

Life coaching, or how I like to call it Relationship coaching. Because everything in life is a relationship. It's not just the romantic relationships but relationships with family members, friends, colleagues. Relationships with things, like your favourite car or motorbike. Or relationships with concepts like money, freedom or expectations. How do you relate to everything around you.

Using simple tools we will explore different areas of your life. we will find out what the current state of each of them is, what you would like them to be and how to make that happen.

Even tough we're all the same because we're humans, we're also all very different and we all need and want different things. Finding out what makes you tick inside and what your particular expectations are will help you take control of your happiness. Now, wouldn't that be great?

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Crypto Coaching

Do you find new technologies scary? What about new technologies related to money? Sounds even worse, right? Well, I've been dealing with cryptocurrencies for over 5 years now. And helping others along the way. How to buy them, store them, trade them, sell them. And try to get the most of them. Understand different strategies and find what's most suited for you as an investor. Starting from Why you want this and where you want to go with it. We will challenge your relationship with money and how to manage it.

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Energy Healing

Using energy to heal the body, mind and soul. This healing energy is found everywhere around us and available to all.

My own experience

Do you have the feeling that there is something missing in your life, do you feel like you are “okay” but there’s something that you can’t quite put your finger on? I know how you feel, I have been through that myself. I invite you to read my story

Newen Fara

I travel through life looking for sustainable ways to be happy and be of service to the people around me. As a web developer, I worked in the education, advertising and gambling industries in 3 different countries for over 20 years.

Today, I create deeper connections with people and offer them a calm and safe environment to help them achieve their goals. At this time in my life, being of service is what motivates me and gives me a sense of fulfilment.


"Newen coached me for a few months on various life topics. Trough different assignments, exploring motivations and possibilities, and by asking good questions and coaching Newen managed to give me much more insight in my behavior patterns and I was able to change them and/or to make a well-founded choice about my actions or how I would think about a certain topic and the way I approach it.
During this coaching period I felt empowered in the things to change. Newen always has a positive prospective. He is a good listener and knows how to hold space and maintains a positive attitude. He has a lot of patience and he is very good in connecting different conversations and topics by seeing the bigger picture and connecting the dots, which in my case often were my own blind spots. For me this was very helpful in becoming aware of what was going on.
As a result of his coaching I definitely made a smoother transition from one job to another. I got my finances sorted out. I cleaned my closet, my house, got rid of things I don’t need any more by selling them or by throwing them away. I take better care of myself, my needs and my house. I know what I would like regarding a possible future relationship and I got inside and awareness in my own behavior patterns.
I would recommend coaching by Newen because of his kindness without becoming sloppy, his ability to hold space, his patience, his creative insights, his listening skills, his ability to see the bigger picture (and probably your blind spots) and his capacity to keep the focus on the topic."

"I've been investing in crypto before, but as I did not really know what I was doing, it was an emotionally wrecking experience, after which I decided: “never again.” With the professional guidance and expert advice from Newen, I learnt that, yes, there is another way to invest in crypto. Of course, investing will never be without risk, but having a plan and strategy that fits me as a person, sticking to it, and doing my own proper research (with the help of Newen 😉) made all the difference. Now I see - and also know - how I can use my long(er) term investment strategy as a much smarter and more viable alternative then to just have it sit there on my savings account. "